Add another dimension to your projects

Examind is a complete software universe designed to help you with your ambitious geospatial projects.

We're sure you'll find something that suits you.

The Examind software suite, developed by Geomatys, provides all the features you need to build a Geographic, Hydrographic, Oceanographic and Meteorologic geospatial data processing infrastructure. Designed for interoperability, all the products in the suite comply with OGC standards, and integrate OGC Web services!

Explore all our products

Run simple operations on fast, ergonomic, open-source software.

Take advantage of the best of Examind by processing complex geographic data with this powerful and versatile software.

Augmentez les possibilités avec ces extensions

Process massive data volumes in up to 4 dimensions using the power of the Data Cube.

Easily develop additional tools for your software solutions, regardless of your skills.

Explore the full potential of digital twins with Examind Server

Find out how Geomatys is fully exploiting the power of Examind Server to bring to life a digital twin of the Earth and oceans.

Apprenez-en plus sur la puissance du datacube et ses applications

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